Early Fetal Test at 12 Weeks – recording
Early Fetal Test at 12 Weeks – recording
Early Fetal Test at 12 Weeks – recording
Early Fetal Test: 12 weeks anomaly scan and NIPT working together
Online course recording
Saturday, 23 May, 2020
TOPICS: Anomalies, Cardiology, NT, NIPT, Screening
SYSTEMS: Heart, Brain, Spine, Chest, Face, Neck, Abdomen. Kidneys, Skeletal, Hydrops
LEVEL: Basic, Advanced, Expert
The course is based on extensive clinical experience, comprehensive research of current literature and evidence based knowledge.
Created and delivered by
Dr Fred Ushakov
International Lecturer in Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine
Specialist in Fetal Medicine, University College London Hospital (UCLH), UK
Early Fetal Test: 12 weeks anomaly scan and NIPT working together
Saturday, 23 May 2020
Fee: £85
- The fee includes admission to the course, link for the recording for personal use
What is Early Fetal Test (Early Baby Test)?
As the world battles the COVID-19 outbreak, the main question for most is simply: “When will it end?” In just few weeks the pandemic created the situation that practically all local and international Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine scientific events were cancelled or rescheduled.
At the moment we are facing significant deceleration in medical professional education. We support national and international effort to stop pandemic, however at the same time we believe that medical society needs to be responsible to situation after COVID-19 outbreak.
Recently we have reviewed our clinical experience on 1st trimester screening as well as the evidence-based knowledge and have come with the idea of new approach combining 12 weeks anomaly scan and NIPT. We have described this approach as The Early Fetal Test. Unfortunately, we were unable to present this new concept due to lockdowns and cancellations of the scientific events.
London School of Ultrasound has made important technical adjustments in order to be able to start Online Ultrasound Training Worldwide. We are proud to start our new internet-based training from interactive course about our vision of the future of the First Trimester Screening.
We are happy to invite you to the new edition of this essential course. The material of the course is based on extensive practical work for diagnosis of CHD and more than 10 years teaching experience with vast analysis of prenatally undiagnosed cases.
The must course for every fetal medicine and ultrasound professional, obstetricians and fetal medicine midwives and sonographers.
The future of 1st trimester screening:
- What is Early Fetal Test (Early Baby Test)?
- Current options of 1st trimester screening: review
- Combined Screening Test (CST)
- Ultrasound: Pros and Cons
- NIPT: Pros and Cons
- NT thickness measurement (not phenomena) place in future screening protocols
- Ultrasound and NIPT working together, but how?
- Why 12-13 weeks?
- Why not 10 weeks?
- Why not 11 weeks?
- Why not 14-16 weeks?
- Detection of important anomalies at 12-13 weeks:
- Spina bifida
- Holoprosencephaly
- CHD – cardiac anomalies
- Facial anomalies
- CDH – diaphragmatic hernia
- Amniotic band syndrome
- Limb reduction anomalies
- Skeletal dysplasias
- Early Fetal Test – new generation of Combined Screening Test
Technical break – 20 min
Demonstration of 11-13 weeks cases and clinical situations:
- Technical tips and tricks
- Interesting anomalies
- Management
- Discussion
- Questions and answers
The course will run in the new format. It will be worldwide online interactive ultrasound training course and the participants will have one month free access to the recording of the course via cloud service. It means that you can also register and attend the course as an offline event.
Overall duration of the course will be at least 3 hours.
We are happy to invite you to join us for the Worldwide Online Course. While registered – you will receive the link with instructions to connect to the event.
New project
Further to very productive and successful last year’s program with numerous requests from our colleagues to bring the learning on-line, we are coming back with the advanced format for the constant professional development, further collaboration and learning.
The aim of the new project is to continue to provide ultrasound professionals with substantial skills and knowledge to facilitate an early diagnosis of the fetal anomalies and congenital heart diseases.
Course Date
Saturday, 23 May, 2020
Register for “Early Fetal Test at 12 Weeks”
Online Course (Recording)
23 May 2020
Limited places
309 Has Sold
Early Fetal Test at 12 Weeks – recording
Limited places
309 Has Sold