Trisomy 21: Challenges, diagnosis recording
Trisomy 21: Challenges, diagnosis recording
Trisomy 21: Challenges, diagnosis recording
Trisomy 21: Challenges in screening, diagnosis & management of Down’s syndrome Recording
Saturday, 20 August 2022
TOPICS: Anomalies, Cardiology, NT, NIPT, Screening
SYSTEMS: Heart, Brain, Spine, Chest, Face, Neck, Abdomen. Kidneys, Skeletal, Hydrops
LEVEL: Basic, Advanced, Expert
The course is based on extensive clinical experience, comprehensive research of current literature and evidence based knowledge.
Created and delivered by
Dr Fred Ushakov
International Lecturer in Ultrasound and Fetal Medicine
Specialist in Fetal Medicine, University College London Hospital (UCLH), UK
Trisomy 21: Challenges in screening, diagnosis & management of Down’s syndrome recording
Saturday, 20 August 2022
Fee: £85
- The fee includes admission to the course, link for the recording for personal use
Trisomy 21: Challenges in screening, diagnosis & management of Down’s syndrome
We are happy to invite you to the next course of the FETAL DYSMORPHOLOGY PROJECT. The material of the course is based on extensive practical work and more than 10 years teaching experience with vast analysis of prenatally undiagnosed cases.
This seminar is based on the personal experience of scanning more than 400 fetuses with T21.
The must course for every fetal medicine and ultrasound professional, obstetricians and fetal medicine midwives and sonographers.
Trisomy 21: Down’s syndrome
Trisomy 21 is a commonest syndrome, which is typically associated with multiple anomalies. Diagnosis of T21 seems to be easy and straightforward, however is our daily practice we have encountered plenty of cases, where its recognition was challenging.
We also have seen many late diagnosed or even prenatally missed T21 cases.
The main topics of seminar:
- Trisomy 21 overview: Who is Down?
- Introduction: why we screen for T21?
- Screening for T21 by Combined Test
- Screening for T21 by Quad Test
- Screening for T21 by NIPT
- Expert scanning fetuses with positive 1st trimester screening results
- False negative and false positive results of the screening
- Problems of T21 screening (distraction)
- Role of NT
- Scanning fetuses with an increased NT
- Role of surrogate markers (NB, DV, TR, ARSA, etc)
- Expert opinion: important undescribed sonographic features of T21
- Diagnosis of T21 in the 2-3 trimesters in the cases of false negative CST results or absence of the screening
- Expert scanning of the fetuses with diagnosis of T21
- Common and rare anomalies in T21
- Do we have prognostic ultrasound markers for the degree of neurological disability in T21?
- Challenging fetal echocardiography in T21
- Management of pregnancies with diagnosed T21 or highly suspicious for T21
- Management of new pregnancies for the parents with previous pregnancies with T21 fetus
- Q&A
Our promise: No boring stuff; just videos and discussions.
Planned duration of this seminar is 3.5 hours
Technical breaks – 20 min x 2
The course will run in the new format. It will be worldwide online interactive ultrasound training course and the participants will have one week free access to the recording of the course via cloud service. It means that you can also register and attend the course as an offline event. Overall duration of the course will be at least 3.5 hours.
- The official language is English. No simultaneous interpretations will be available.
Online courses and certificates
- Certificate of the course attendance can only be redeemed if the full course is live streamed at the time it is being presented.
- Certificate cannot be received if the course is viewed once the course ends (on-demand recording).
- For delegates who watched the course in real time and did not receive the certificate within a month time, please contact LSUS:
We are happy to invite you to join us for the Worldwide Online Course. While registered – you will receive the link with instructions to connect to the event.
Register for
Trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome):
Challenges in screening, diagnosis & management of Down’s syndrome
Online Course Recording
Trisomy 21: Challenges, diagnosis recording
Limited places
92 Has Sold